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Soul mate hearts!   I have made four pair of these, and only 4 pair.  They have been given away as gifts ONLY!    A while back I was workng on a pair at the Carousel while waiting on something to do with the Horse.  People come into the carvers  area and  ask questions  mostly about the carousel projects.  A couple saw the hearts, and asked if I sold them?  and how much?  

I explained that I did not sell them.  They are only gifts given to special couples I believe are destined to be soul mates/

The hearts are made from Purple heart wood, this is a South American iron wood and the purple color is their natural color. 

Each set comes from a single heart cut from a slab of wood.  The Purple heart wood takes hundreds of years of growth to get to a commecial harvestable size.  So the pairs that I make grew together for a very long long time (several hundred years).  The wood is very hard, the last pair took easily over 45 min per round hole to drill throught the wood just to start the hollowing out of the heart. 

Then I seperate the two hearts from each other  usually on a band saw,  On the very first pair,  I used a table saw, risking my fingers in the process.  That tells you the two hearts grew side by side until I cut them apart. I shape each heart, then  a buddy makes a hand forged hook for them to hang on from one of my  signs  they have gone to.  I jokingly told one bridegroom  he would be able to know if he was in trouble if he comes home and his heart is hanging upside down on a hook , or not there !!  I've also told the couples if they break up, the person choosing to leave has to break one of the hearts in half  and return it broken to the  other person, since they are saying, "we really aren't soulmates.  it would be a closure  thing.

If you want a set of soulmate hearts, convince me you truly are soulmates,  and you also have to be a couple I'm invested in. 

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